With Zivolve, you have access to smart and relevant trading information. Combined with mobile brokerage apps, it’s an end-to-end investing platform that helps you maximize your returns based on your risk appetite.
Receive up to 20 AI-driven daily top buys and short-sell picks suitable for your portfolio.
Get predictive analytics from a smart engine powered by AI, for the next trading day.
Sync your personal investment style, preferences, and risk tolerance at your fingertips.
Get answers to any question you may have about trading and investing.
As a retail investor you may feel overwhelmed without the proper risk management and guidance. Zivolve helps you in your quest of becoming an independent and confident investor; create the best portfolio you can for only $9.99 a month.
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Search thousands of US-based Stocks, ETFs, and Cryptos.
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The Zivolve app provides stock market analysis, picks stocks and ETFs for its users based on their preferences. It incorporates the power of models, probability, and risk-to-reward ratio. This makes the app unique and one of a kind among other trading and analytical apps. Users can see a variety of measurements needed for risk management and make informed decisions. Zivolve is the most accurate app that provides the due diligence and decision assistance, making it a great asset for investing in various assets. We put the power of Artificial Intelligence and risk management processes all in our users’ hands. It is the most affordable investment decision support platform in the industry. Our goal is to make the app user-friendly and more accessible to level the playing field for every investor.
Zivolve downloads the entire stock market data daily and puts out the analytics and rankings once a day between 10 and 11 pm EST, for the next trading day. We aim to reduce this processing time to less than an hour leveraging cloud computing.
Troubleshooting is done on a periodic basis, changing from a few days to a few weeks. Usually troubleshooting can be easily resolved by becoming familiar with the app and/or finding the solution in the help section of the app.
At this point we only offer short term trading (swing trading), but in the future we plan to offer both short term and long term (more passive) trading for investors.
I have been in capital markets for over thirty years. Most individuals don’t have $3,000 a month for a Bloomberg. There is a need for a Bloomberg for the people. Ziggurat offers the little guy who is tech-savvy and innovative edge to win in the investing game, whether for the long term or day trading. The importance of having access to deep intelligence will change the landscape for the individual investor versus the institutional and professional traders. Sia Nazari is a visionary and Ziggurat with its intelligent trading and risk management app is a game-changer.
I volunteered to test his trading platform while still in Beta development, and I immediately saw its potentials. I have encouraged some of my friends to try it, and they provided valuable feedback. I frequently use Zivolve for short-term investments, and it is pretty accurate at suggesting what stocks/ETFs to buy at the moment. This friendly guidance is missing in traditional platforms, such as Robinhood. If the average Robinhood investors would utilize the power of Zivolve's artificial intelligence for investments, then they could profit as much as professionals on Wall Street.
Using the Zivolve App in coordination with Fidelity Active Trader Pro, internet research while applying my own ideas, beliefs and good common sense - my life has been transformed. I am no longer stressed from worrying about "how to pay the bills" to a "relaxed, confident and secure 50 something being, with time to help in my community". I personally have made about a 1/2 million dollars using the Zivolve application! I had no prior stock trading training or experience.”
The app works fine and the team support is very helpful. This app is super easy to use and the customer support has been great from day one.
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